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​​Osteopathy and Kinesio® Taping
Kinesio® Taping Osteopathy has a number of principles on which it is based-one of which is that The Body Possesses Self-Regulatory and...

Chris the Yoga Teacher
Chris has recently completed six months of intensive training and graduated as a Yoga Teacher. Yay! ​She completed her training in June...

Development of the Face
In early November, Jude attended a four day osteopathic course about the development and treatment of the face. The approaches to...

Babies with Feeding Difficulties
At a recent meeting of the Lactation Consultants of Australia and NZ, Jude gave a presentation about how cranial osteopaths treat babies...

​Did you know that Osteopathy can help with headaches?
Headaches come in many forms and there are many causes. They can be due to the presence of an illness or condition such as high blood...
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